Cannabis is purely used for pain treatment

The use of cannabis in the medical arena is rapidly gaining popularity thanks to its chief components: cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinoid. Though their prolonged use has adverse effects on the users’ health, the findings are specific on the quantity are reasons as to which these compounds should be administered.  

For a long time, opioids have been used as chronic pain relievers. However, they were found to induce craving which forced their users to be addicted leading to acute dependence on the drugs. With the introduction of cannabis as cure to pain, there have been positive reports which have led to lifting ban on its use in many countries globally.  

How cannabis treats pain 

The body has an endocannabis system which secrets endocanabinoid. These endocanabinoid acts as great pain relievers. The use of cannabis to treat pain uses the same technique used by the endocannabis system. The cannabinoid from the cannabis incorporates itself easily on the receptor cells. Once they bind themselves on the cells, they minimize transfer of pain in the body/ across the nerve endings. 

Cannabis also influences the production of anandamide, a compound that is essential in pain reduction. Pain sensation is influenced by hormones and since cannabis can either accelerate or diminishes the secretions of hormones, in the body, they play vital roles in pain treatment. 

Also, the CBDs have been reported to inhibit inflammation in the brain and the central nervous system leading to decrease pain sensation and a boost in the immunity. 

While much has been alleged on CBDs use to treat pain in pets, such allegations lack proof and are treated just like speculation. The use of THC as a cure for chronic pain has on the other hand gathered momentum and more findings are being reported on its ability to tackle pain when used in low amounts without causing the high effects. 

With molecular formulas of both components in the bank, much is yet to be revealed on the pharmacology within the body. The reported findings are squarely based on observed behavioral changes among users leaving much to be desired in this field. 


Cannabis is a known class 1 drug whose use is closely monitored by the relevant authorities. With much findings on it potential benefits as a drug, (pain-killer, anti-depressant and anti- cancer), most governments are contemplating easing restrictions on its access to allow people with such conditions access. 

To ensure that cannabis is purely used for pain treatment, stringent laws must be enacted to ensure minimized cases of abuse and misuse of the drugs. 

Public awareness campaign on the health risk of irresponsible use of cannabis should be launched. Risks such as loss of memory, appetite, drowsiness and even death should be made known to the public.  

Finally, only medical experts and shops/ clinics licensed by the relevant authorities should dispense such drugs. This reduces cases of sale of impure products, issuance of excessive dosage which may negatively affect the users. 


Truly, cannabis is proven beyond no doubt an excellent pain killer that if used accordingly, may help people suffering from chronic pain (arthritis, cancer or physical injury). Provided the rules of consumption are observed, the government should allow the use of cannabis in treating pain. 

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