Know the benefits of CBD tinctures


Before discussing the types and uses of CBD tinctures, it’s best to first understand what CBD and tinctures are. CBD is a product that is found in the cannabis plant. CBD is closely related to THC ( tetrahydrocannabinol ) but unlike THC, it is not so tough. It cannot make you get so high. Tinctures on the other hand is a herbal extract. It is made by steeping the herbs in a liquid. The extract is usually very concentrated. The fluid that is obtained by soaking in the herbs is usually left for weeks before missing with the herb juice. To get the tinctures, the herbs are squeezed out. The tincture is then stored in a glass bottle that has a dropper. Tinctures are usually used by putting them under the tongue. In the past, tinctures were made using alcohol concentrate but with time, it is now made by using oils that have been extracted from food plants and using flavours.  CBD ( Cannabidiol ) tinctures are made by soaking Cannabidiol with hemp flower into extracts of concentrated alcohol. 

Types of CBD tinctures 

CBD tinctures are grouped into three broad types depending on the ingredients used in making them. We have the full-spectrum CBD, which has all the Cannabis satin (hemp plant ) components, CBD ( Cannabidiol ), tetrahydocannabidol ( THC ), and terpenes. The other group is broad-spectrum CBD which has all the components as of full-spectrum but does not contain THC. The third basic type of CBD is the CBD isolates which contain CBD only as a component. It is a pure type of CBD. It’s white and has no taste or smell. 

Uses of CBD tinctures 

CBD tinctures have many benefits medically. In health matters, most people use it in treating anxiety, general pain reliever, stress and depression. In some other cases, it’s used to help in getting a good night sleep. It is used for treating seizures and arthritis. CBD can also be used in treating neurological disorders ( PTSD, social phobia, OCD, generalized anxiety disorder ( GAD ), and panic disorder ). 

Is it safe to use CBD tinctures 

Well, CBD is safe to use but it all depends on the quality of the one you use. Always make sure you use CBD of good quality and one that is recommended. As much as CBD us safe, there are some side effects that you need to note. The following are the side effects that you can experience when you use CBD, reduced appetite, diarrhea, feeling tired and dry lips. 


As much as some people turn to CBD tinctures for treating some conditions as discussed above, it’s not scientifically proven yet. It’s still under research. The research on CBD tinctures and their benefits in health-related conditions is still in the form of animal studies. This, therefore, calls for one doing thorough research on the right types and uses of CBD tinctures before starting to use them. Get to know what best fit your need.